Friday, June 1, 2012

TWIS #15

First Try

What I Did

This week we re-did the Marshmallow Challenge that we did in the beginning of this year.But the rules were changed this time.The first time we weren't allowed to talk at all.But we had to communicate our ideas in a different way.And the second time we were able to talk.So we did this 2 times.We also made intro videos for our 10th grade science teacher and we had to write scripts for them.

Second Try
What I Learned

Second Try
I learned that it is extremely important to communicate,and if  you cant then it is really hard to work.Also that the structure needs some sort of base that is steady.I really don't like working in groups because its hard when you have a bunch of ideas and there is a lot of disagreements.But we were better this time because we actually knew each other and it wasn't as awkward.For the video i learned that you have to have good lighting,so that's why we filmed our videos on the roof.That also made the backgrounds prettier.

Friday, May 11, 2012

TWIS #13

If we sealed the tank and removed all the plants,then the spider would die because there are no plants to make oxygen for the spiders.There would only be carbon dioxide which spiders can't breath in.Photosynthesis would make glucose for the plant by using water,air,and sun energy.

Monday, May 7, 2012

TWIS #12

What i Did

We got our spiders that are daddy log legs (cellar spiders).But this week we fed our spiders and we got to watch and observed them while they eat.We also learned about symbiotic relationships.We made Spider Observation Logs and decorated them.And the last thing we did was we went over regions questions.

What i Learned

We fed our spiders flightless fruit flys and while our spider was eating them i realize that it spins a web first with its back legs and then sinks its fangs into the insect all over the insects body.The next thing we learned was about symbiotic relationships.There are 3 different types: parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism. Parasitism is when an animal will benefit from another animal but the other animal will actually be getting hurt(+,-).Mutualism is when both animals will benefit from each other(+,+).And last Commensalism is when one animal benefits from another animal but the other animal will not get anything, having no effect(+,0).In our Spider Observation Logs we did background research on daddy log legs (cellar spiders).And we also learned about how to answer regions questions.We learned that they word the questions in complicated ways to try to confuse you.Thats why you have to read them carefully and try to find out what they are asking you.

Friday, April 20, 2012

TWIS #11

What I Did

 We drew a picture of what we wanted our tank to look like and what we wanted to put in the tank.
This week we went on a little field trip to the park to look for things that we can put in our tank. We found sticks so the spider can climb, a few leaves,some rocks,worms,and we made a little pond.We then researched spiders and I learned a lot about that.

What I Learned

What I learned from drawing the picture is that you need to make the spider feel as if it were at home.What I learned from the park was that there isn't a lot of things that you need for the tank.Also that its good to have other living organisms in the tank like worms. And from the research I learned that when the grow bigger they have to shed their exoskeleton until they are full sized.Also when they try to attract a mate they will pluck their web like a harp.My team mates learned that you have to dig deep for worms and other bugs,spiders have 6-8 eyes,and they have 8 legs.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

'This MONTH In Science' #10

What We DID
       This month we have been doing stuff regarding human impact.We were actually working with the Human Impacts Institute.We were the water group.We first went around the neighborhood and asked people to take the questions we had on a survey that we made about how much water they use.Then we studied our data.then we experimented with 3 types of water,brooklyn tap water,fish tank water,and school water.then we tested the hardness,chlorine and feces.then we started working on designs for T-shirts.We first looked at a bunch of pictures and criticized them.Then we started drawing them and we finished them.And the whole week we were taking other groups surveys.

       We learned that people didn't really care much about how much water they used form our surveys.Also that people choose cars more than any other sort of transportation.We found that there was feces in the fish tank water and the school water which was surprising.And its pretty hard to make a T-shirt design and the different stages you have to go through to make a design,and when you are making a design people dont like a lot of words but do like pictures.And from the surveys from the other groups i learned that i dont use up a lot of things.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Human Impact Ad Campaign

This is the picture that I want to use for the campaign,so its a fish tank with a water fountain on the top.the pipe is connecting the 2 showing that the fish are losing water.

Friday, February 10, 2012

This Week in Science #9

What I DID
This week we researched about skates,perches,frogs,and mice.Then we picked which animals we wanted to dissect and we observed its external anatomy.The next day was dissection day and we picked a skate.It smelled really bad so we had masks.I found a liver,intestine,and stomach.

I learned that a skates skin is tough to cut through and when you cut a skate you make an I shape under the gills.Also that you cant find a skates heart easily.I never found it.And that a skate has spiky skin.

Structures And Functions
So the other people at our table were doing a frog.There weren't any similarities that I know of.They were too different.However the mouths of the animals were very different.The frog had no teeth with an extra long tongue and the skate had a rough mouth,still no teeth but it felt rough.

Monday, February 6, 2012

This Week In Science #8

Picture #1

Picture #2
What I DID
       So this week we did dissections and we got a giant grasshopper.The first picture is in Ventral View and the second picture is in Dorsal View.In each picture you can see that I have pointed out one of it's Features the head capsule for you.In picture one you get a clear view of the Anterior (which is the head),the Distal (which is the parts far away from the body, in this case the tarsal claws),and Proximal(which are the parts close to the body in this case the trochanter or shoulders).In picture two you can get a clear view of the grasshoppers Posterior(the ends of the body in this case the abdomen or butt).

       I guess you can say that one of my AHA moments was when I found out that the grass hopper wasn't all just goo inside like a bug.It was like a real animal with organs and stuff inside.The organs where pretty hard to see but they were there.This animal reminded me of when I studied that spider.Just because I think if I was dissecting a spider it would be like the giant grasshopper.

Monday, January 23, 2012

"This MONTH in Science #7"

            Its been a while since I wrote one of these but Ive been busy.Almost this whole month we have been working on a BIG project that took about 3 weeks!This project was about biomes.We had to pick a biome (ours was the arctic tundra)and then research and learn about it.For example,whats the climate?,where are these places located?,etc.Then we researched the kinds of animals that live there and we learned about them too.Then BOOM,the climate changed, and so do the animals, and we got to choose what the animals looked like, and how they changed to fit their climate.

           This project was pretty cool,fun and exciting,I had a good time.There were a few bumps on the road to finishing it though, but it all worked out in the end.Now we have made a video of our project and explained the whole thing.ENJOY THE VIDEO!!!